Tinjauan Persepsi Pekerja Di Syarikat Industri Berat: Analisis Awal

Employee Perception Survey At A Heavy Industry Company: A Preliminary Analysis


  • Mohd Azlan Ab Aziz
  • Hasnah Ngah
  • Irdayanti Mat Nashir




SCORE, Samalaju, Persepsi Pekerja, Industri, PMU


Samalaju Industrial Park (SIP) is a heavy industrial complex located in Bintulu. The complex needs a large number of semi -skilled workers, the majority of whom come from educational institutions such as the Mukah Polytechnic (PMU). This study was conducted to identify the performance of former PMU students in the workplace. The performance of former PMU students was assessed through a study of perceptions on the factors of employee relationship with management, working conditions, rewards, level of teamwork among employees and work allocation. The study also looked at other factors that contribute to employee loyalty to the company. This study uses a questionnaire adapted from the writings of Chengedzai Mafini and Mejuri Mafini namely Profiling the Perceptions of Employees at Designated Tourism Establishments: A Survey Based Review. The results of this study found that the majority of respondents are satisfied with their careers and have a good perception in the eyes of management. Through this study, it can help the polytechnic and industry to identify factors that can be given attention to improve and retain employees for longer. In addition, it can be a reference to the polytechnic to further increase the marketability rate of PMU students.



Samalaju Industrial Park (SIP) merupakan kompleks industri berat yang terletak di Bintulu.  Kompleks ini memerlukan ramai tenaga kerja separa mahir yang mana majoritinya datang dari institusi pendidikan seperti Politeknik Mukah (PMU).  Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenalpasti prestasi bekas pelajar PMU di lapangan kerja.  Prestasi bekas pelajar-pelajar PMU dinilai  menerusi kajian persepsi terhadap faktor hubungan pekerja dengan pengurusan, keadaan bekerja, ganjaran, tahap kerja berpasukan dikalangan pekerja dan peruntukan kerja. Kajian ini juga melihat faktor-faktor lain yang menyumbang kepada kesetiaan pekerja kepada syarikat. Kajian ini menggunakan soal selidik yang diadaptasi daripada penulisan Chengedzai Mafini dan Mejuri Mafini iaitu Profiling the Perceptions of Employees at Designated Tourism Establishments: A Survey Based Review. Hasil dari kajian ini mendapati majoriti responden berpuas hati dengan kerjaya mereka dan mempunyai persepsi yang baik di mata pihak pengurusan. Menerusi kajian ini ianya dapat membantu pihak politeknik dan industri untuk mengenalpasti faktor-faktor yang boleh diberikan perhatian bagi meningkatkan dan mengekalkan pekerja dengan lebih lama. Selain itu, ianya boleh menjadi satu rujukan kepada pihak politeknik untuk meningkatkan lagi kadar kebolehpasaran pelajar PMU. 


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How to Cite

Mohd Azlan Ab Aziz, Hasnah Ngah, & Irdayanti Mat Nashir. (2022). Tinjauan Persepsi Pekerja Di Syarikat Industri Berat: Analisis Awal: Employee Perception Survey At A Heavy Industry Company: A Preliminary Analysis. Law, Policy, and Social Science, 1(1), 34–46. https://doi.org/10.55265/lpsjournal.v1i1.4